Registered Therapy Dog
We also have a furry member of its staff! Olly loves coming to work. He is a cute and cuddly companion and a registered therapy dog. Olly is not a service animal, meaning that he does not accompany a specific person with a certain task. However, one of his roles as a therapy dog is to sit with clients during evaluations and therapy sessions.
What are the benefits of a therapy dog? Several studies have found that using animals in therapy can help children with autism, Down’s syndrome, and other physical and mental disabilities. Therapy dogs can also provide comfort for older people as they struggle with various diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In fact, a blog post by Psychology Today states that many neuroscientists, such as Lori Marino, have discovered that Animal Assisted Therapy causes significant improvements in patients. The benefits of a therapy dog’s care include a decrease in general anxiety and an increase in well-being.